2011年第6期   DOI:
Research of Impact Factors of High-speed Railways Hub Area Development in China


Lin Chenhui


Keywords:High-Speed Railway(HSR); HSR Hub; Station Area Development; Impact Factors


本文通过对我国17 个高铁枢纽的实证研究认为:在我国国情背景下,高铁枢纽能够给站区周边带来显著的开发机遇。在实际观察年份内,以年均开发总建筑面积为主要表征指标,以“欧洲里尔”工程第一阶段开发规模为衡量标准,本研究观察到的我国高铁枢纽给站区周边开发带来显著发展机遇的案例包括天津站等7 个。在获得站区开发表征数据的基础上,本文认为影响高铁枢纽站区开发的因素主要包括城市发展水平因素、城市空间因素、车站自身因素、车站可达性因素、站区现状因素和其他六个大类, 并由此展开相关性分析。研究认为,所在城市的经济发展水平、高铁枢纽本身较高的客流量以及与城市中心的空间距离和时间距离,是影响站区开发效果的主要因素,并通过分类别分析,得到了不同人口规模城市影响站区开发效果的不同的主要因素。


This paper presents a study of 17 high-speed railway (HSR) hubs in China. It reveals that in the Chinese context HSR hub can bring significant development opportunity to the station area. Taking the development scale of the first phase of "Lille Europe" as a reference standard this study observes seven significant cases including Tianjin station using the data of annual total construction squares as the main characterized indicator through observation years. On the basis of obtaining characterized data of station area development this paper argues that HSR hub area development impact factors include the level of urban development urban space the station's own factors station accessibility station area condition and others. Then we expand the correlation analysis. The study indicates that urban economic development level flow of the HSR hub as well as the space and time distance from the city center are main factors of station area development. Meanwhile as the result of classification analysis the study shows that different main factors of station area development are influenced by cities with different urban population sizes. 




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