2015年第4期   DOI:
Urban Spatial Studies with Big Data of Mobile Location: A Progress Review

丁亮 钮心毅 宋小冬

Ding Liang, Niu Xinyi, Song Xiaodong


Keywords:Mobile Location; Big Data; Urban Spatial Studies; Urban Planning


聚焦城市空间的移动定位大数据研究可分为空间现象描述、空间功能识别、理论模型验证、中心体系分析4 种类型。通过文献梳理,发现大数据为空间研究提供了丰富的样本,但当前的数据存在非全样本、缺少社会经济属性、非随机缺失的缺陷。大数据研究的广度和深度正在不断扩展,呈现出多学科参与的特点,但研究结论还缺少新的理论探索和解决实际问题的应用。据此提出当前的大数据只是传统数据的有益补充,适用于描述、分析空间现象和规律,适宜于两方面研究:①验证理论模型、提出研究问题;②分析空间现状、评估空间规划。这两方面研究可通过统计汇总和空间计算的方法实现。


The study on the big data of mobile location in urban space can be decomposed into four types, including description of spatial phenomena, identification of spatial function, verification of theoretical models, and analysis of center system. The analysis on relevant literature finds that big data have provided abundant samples for space research, but present data face the defects including incomplete samples, lack of socio-economic property, and not missing at random. Besides, though big data study expands in both depth and breadth and shows the characteristic of multi-disciplinary cooperation, the research conclusion pays little attention to exploring new theories and addressing practical problems. Thus, present big data are only the beneficial supplement to traditional data, applicable to describing and analyzing space phenomena and rule. Meanwhile, the big data are suitable not only to verify theoretical models and raise research problems, but also to analyze current space situation and evaluate spatial planning. The study on these two aspects can be implemented through statistical summary and spatial computation.




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