2015年第4期   DOI:
The Dilemma and Solution of Social Housing Development in Guangzhou: Comparative Study of Public Housing in Hong Kong

魏宗财 陈婷婷 孟兆敏 钱前

Wei Zongcai, Chen Tingting, Meng Zhaomin, Qian Qian


Keywords:Social Housing; Guangzhou; Hong Kong


当前,我国保障性住房正处于大规模建设时期,初步解决了部分低收入人群的住房难题,但在实施过程中也遇到了一些困难。广州作为我国最早实施保障性住房政策的城市之一,仍然存在组织管理架构有待完善、稳定的资金和土地供应缺乏、生活环境待优化等问题。香港的公营房屋建设是世界公认的成功典范,已形成了一套完善的公共房屋制度。参考香港60 年公营房屋发展的成功经验,立足广州保障性住房发展的实际,建议广州在组织管理架构、资金投入模式、人居环境建设等方面进一步改进完善,这对国内正大规模开展的保障性住房的建设具有一定的参考意义。


The dramatic changes and rapid development of social housing in China have been widely advocated. Although the development process has been pushed very fast and the great efforts have been made to assist the urban household with housing difficulties, some practical issues in terms of financial support, planning and policies have emerged in the implementation phrase. Imperfect management organization, limited financial support and rare land resources of Guangzhou still need to be improved in the short run. Learned from the experience of public housing in Hong Kong, it argues that the establishment of exclusive management institution, the ownership of specific financial assets and “People Oriented” living environment are some feasible solutions for coping with current housing issues in Guangzhou, which may provide some reference for social housing development in other domestic cities.

基金项目:北京大学—林肯研究院城市发展与土地政策研究中心论文奖学金、国家自然科学基金项目(40971094)、南风窗“调研中国——大学生社会调 查奖学金”联合资助





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