2015年第5期   DOI:
From the Blueprint to the Vision: The Revival of Strategic Spatial Plan, Its Contents and Formulation

林丹 罗彦

Lin Dan, Luo Yan

关键词:空间战略规划;地方治理;编制内容;编制方法; 成果体系

Keywords:Strategic Spatial Plan; Local Governance; Contents of Plan; Techniques of Formulating; Documents




Strategic spatial plan is a widely discussed topic. Recent researches mainly focus on the introduction of its formulation method and practices. The key questions this paper tries to answer are as following: What is the key reason of the revitalization of strategic spatial plans? What is the nature of strategic spatial plan? What paradigms those plans may have followed? In order to answer these questions, the paper draws on existing researches to analyze some representative cases in Europe, North America and Asia. The key analytical method is text analysis. It is concluded that strategic spatial plans have experienced an evolving process from the top-down zoning strategy, investment-led plan, to common vision supported by wide scale public participation.





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