2015年第6期   DOI:
Governing the Postcolonial Suburbs

阿纳尼娅· 罗伊

Ananya Roy


Keywords:Postcolonial Suburbs; Governance; Global South; Informality




This essay examines suburban governance by paying attention to the metropolitan edges of cities in the global South. It argues that these edges must be understood as variegated landscapes, where slum and suburb exist in simultaneity. Such spatialities do not indicate the limits or failures of the state but rather suggest a distinctive form of state power, which can be conceptualized as territorialized flexibility, or urban informality. The essay also analyzes the forms of political life and dissent engendered in such spaces, in other words, the politics of the suburban periphery. In doing so, the essay points to a theorization of postcolonial suburbs not as a historical condition in formerly colonized societies but instead as a critique of the stable categories of space, society, and state through which urbanism is understood and theorized.

版权信息:本文原载于《国际视野下的郊区治理》(Suburban Governance: A Global View , 2015)。多伦多大学出版社(University of Toronto Press) 授权本刊发表中译文。

阿纳尼娅· 罗伊,美国加州伯克利大学城市与区域规划系,全球贫困与实践特聘讲座教授。ananya@berkeley.edu



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