2015年第6期   DOI:
Suburban Development and Governance in China

吴缚龙 沈洁

Wu Fulong, Shen Jie


Keywords:Suburbanization; Suburban Development; Suburban Governance; Chinese Cities




Rather than seeing Chinese “suburbs” as following and replicating the process of middle-class suburbanization in the Western economies, in keeping with the focus of this section on “emerging modalities” in the Global South, we investigates the question of governance in China’s suburbanization process. The paper first adopts a historical perspective, viewing Chinese suburbs in terms of the various political-economic stages they have gone through. It then discusses various modalities of contemporary suburban governance. This is followed by an analysis of different types of development – both formal and informal – and their respective spatial forms and governance issues. While fragmented spatial forms in the suburbs represent different combinations of modalities, a ’coherent logic’ of territorial development is underlying these forms.

版权信息:本文原载于《国际视野下的郊区治理》(Suburban Governance: A Global View, 2015)。多伦多大学出版社(University of Toronto Press) 授权本刊发表中译文。
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41401140),加拿大社会科学与人文研究委员会基 金(412-2010-1003),浦江人才计划(13PJC016),复旦大学新进青年 教师科研起步项目(JJH3548018),复旦大学社会发展与公共政策学院 科研基金




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