2016年第1期   DOI:
Reflections on Smart City from Urban Planning Perspective

张纯 李蕾 夏海山

Zhang Chun, Li Lei, Xia Haishan


Keywords:Smart City; Rational Planning; Metering Revolution; Multiple Goals; Action Framework




The concept of Smart City spread globally, trying to deal with the problems such us urban management, environment, transportation and infrastructure. This concept also highly promoted in China recently. This paper reexamines Smart City from aspects of theoretical roots, concept initials, evaluation systems, international practices, and also its limitations and response. First, it traces the theoretical roots of Smart City and finds that it is not only influenced by rational planning after the Metering Revolution, but also penetrates through the western planning theories since the second half of 20th century. Second, accumulative researches define the concept of Smart City with multiple aims including efficiency, equality, livability and sustainability. Take the EU Smart City evaluation system as example, it covers multidimensional indicators from six aspects such as smart economy, smart people, smart governance, smart mobile, smart environment and smart community. Third, in the global Smart City practices, it also faces challenges from organization, governance, safety and privacy, and also IT. An integration action framework is established to respond these challenges. This paper emphasizes the importance of organization and policy, advocating Smart City is more an action than just a slogan. It concludes that technology may be helpful to increase the degree of intelligent, but it can neither make city smarter by itself, nor solve the real social and environmental problems in the quick urbanization. The implications of this paper lie in that the Smart City initiatives cannot be meet by just promoting IT, but need the integration of organization, policy, technique to promote smart city in a farsighted and sustainable way. This paper also provides implication for solving the social, transportation and environmental problems and building future smarter city practice in China.


张纯,北京交通大学建筑与艺术学院,副教授;北京大学- 林肯研究院城市发展与土地政策研究中心兼职研究员




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