2016年第1期   DOI:
Advanced Urban Planning Concepts and the New Requirements for Planners in the 21st Century

孙莉 张玉坤

Sun Li, Zhang Yukun

关键词:前沿城市规划理念;可持续发展; 信息与数字技术;规划师基本技能

Keywords:Advanced Urban Planning Concepts; Sustainable Development; Information and Digital Technology; Basic Skills of Planners




A large number of advanced urban planning concepts are introduced and classified into six categories: five of which focus on sustainable development, information and digital technology, improvement of urban social and community life, politics or economy, preservation and renewal respectively, and the last kind involves other planning concepts. Sustainable development, information and digital technology are the core driving forces of the creations of new urban form and new urban-rural relationship in the 21st century. On this basis, the knowledge and skills the urban planners need in the future are introduced. Finally, the paper emphasizes that the planning and constructions of China should use new Western planning concepts for reference suitably to broaden the way of thinking, and innovate for its own unique challenges.





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