2016年第2期   DOI:
Urban Open Space Research Review Based on Children’s Safety

钟乐 龚鹏 古新仁

Zhong Le, Gong Peng, Gu Xinren

关键词:儿童安全;城市开放空间;规划设计; 安全评价

Keywords:Children Safety; Urban Open Space; Planning and Design; Safety Evaluation




At present, children in cities suffer damage phenomenon in the open space is on the rise, is worthy of learning, and research on the safety of children’s open space in the developed countries is relatively mature. On foreign studies about the safety of children in the urban open space, its development has experienced the germination stage, the early stage, development stage, mature stage and leap stage. A general research content is more and more diversified, focus more and more humanistic trend. The study has reference significance on Chinese urban children open space planning and design.






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