2016年第2期   DOI:
High-speed Rail Station and Urban Spatial Evolution: Review and Introspection

洪世键 姚超

Hong Shijian, Yao Chao


Keywords:High-speed Rail; Station Location; Urban Spatial Evolution; New Town Construction




As one of the mass rapid transport systems, high-speed rail impacts the regional and urban spatial developments at different scales. On microscopic level, high-speed rail stations are closely associated with the urban spatial evolution. With the booming construction of the high-speed rail, the research findings about stations and urban spatial evolutions are also growing rich. This article is mainly about the theory and cases. It’s an overview of the research about high-speed rail stations and spatial evolution in three aspects: urban developments, spatial evolution and the land exploitation. The law of urban spatial evolution with the influence of the stations is summarized, and hopefully can provide some references for the distribution and construction of China’s high-speed rail stations.





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