2016年第3期   DOI:
一个关于中国规划的故事 —— 评《为增长而规划:中国城市与区域规划》
A Story About Planning in China: A Book Review of Planning for Growth: Urban and Regional Planning in China

陈宏胜 李志刚

Chen Hongsheng, Li Zhigang


Keywords:Growth; Urban and Regional Planning; China




The new book of Professor Wu Fulong, Planning for Growth: Urban and Regional Planning in China, interrogating the unique characteristics of China’s urban and regional planning, as well as the differences between China and the West, provides a fresh, inspiring and convincing perspective for both Chinese and foreign readerships to understand Chinese planning. The book provides a comprehensive review of the history of urban planning evolution in China, across the late Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China, to present. The focal point of the book, planning for growth, has been carefully explored. It highlights that the formation of the urban planning system of China is built on China’s specific historical contexts, especially upon the specific political and institutional scaffold of China. In this vein, the book contributes to the growing literature on urban growth and planning of the ‘worlding’Global South, it also reshapes our understandings of dynamic planetary urbanization in the earlier 21st century.





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