2016年第3期   DOI:
The Formation, Practice and Impact of Hexagonal Planning Theories Originated in the West Since the Late Nineteenth Century


Liu Yishi


Keywords:Hexagonal Planning; Intellectual History of Planning; Planning Methods; Garden City; Ideal City


从规划思想史的角度论述六边形规划理论的形成背景,简述若干实例及其影响。六边形规划理论形成于19 世纪末、20 世纪初,初衷是为了丰富城市景观、使规划方法更经济和科学,同时更是当时西方社会变迁和规划思想流变的重要反映。20 世纪以后,六边形规划思想随着田园城市运动传布到世界各地,与我国近代以来的城市发展和研究也密切相关。按其思想来源,分别论述技术乐观主义、田园城市运动、城市美化运动和城市功能化运动对六边形规划思想形成的影响。1940 年代以前世界各地均出现了以六边形为特征的新城和居住区规划,本文介绍其中5 例:格li 里芬的堪培拉规划、卢廷斯的新德里规划、伪满“新京”规划、帕克的维森沙维镇规划及加州的六边形移民安置居住区。最后一部分简述六边形规划衰落的原因及1940 年代以降的其他影响。


This paper investigates the origins of hexagonal planning in the West since the late 19th century and offers a brief history of its formation, world-wide practice and impact. Aiming to enrich urban landscape on the basis of scientific and economic methods, hexagonal planning emerged around the turn of the twentieth century, embracing the sea change of Western society of the day when modern planning became an independent discipline. The urban development and studies of modern Chinese cities is also entwined with hexagonal planning as part of Garden City movement, as exemplified in Xinjing (“New Capital”) Plan of 1932. Other examples discussed in this paper include Griffin's Canberra Plan of 1913, Luyten's New Delhi Plan of 1914, and Parker's Wythenshawe Plan of 1928 and immigrant resettlements in California in the 1930s. Hexagonal planning theories waned in the 1940s yet its impact continued into the 1960s on many other fields besides city planning.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年项目(51308317), 清华大学自主科研计划专项课题(2014z21034)共同资助



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