2016年第3期   DOI:
Research on the Theory of Value Capture in Urban Planning

胡映洁 吕斌

Hu Yingjie, Lyu Bin


Keywords:Urban Land Increment Value; Value Capture; Distribution Justice




Urban planning can greatly influence the value of urban land. The distribution of these interests is crucial for realizing social equality and economic efficiency. Theory of value capture in urban planning discussed the justice principle of distribution land value change resulting from urban planning. The paper firstly defines the concept of value capture in planning by pointing out its similarities and differences with value capture research in research scope and content. Then the paper applies the distribution justice principle in utilitarianism, social justice theory and egalitarianism to value capture in urban planning and compared their limitations and feasibility. Then, the paper proposes the principle of fairness and the principle of efficiency for value capture in urban planning, based mainly on the egalitarianism justice theory. The fairness principle requires the one who gains to pay and who loses to be compensated. Under this principle, the one who holds the land should share the increment land value with the society. Meanwhile, according to the efficiency principles, the bearing of inequalities for efficiency is only acceptable in case they can help to maximize the interests of the disadvantaged ones, which means maximize the sum of the amount of direct shared land value and indirect benefits resulting from improving the land use for the public.

基金项目:社会科学基金重大项目《推进城镇化的重点难点问题研究》(14ZDA026),北 京大学—林肯研究院城市发展与土地政策研究中心论文奖学金资助项目


吕斌( 通信作者),北京大学城市与环境学院,教授。binlu@pku.edu.cn


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