2016年第4期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.224
A Meta-analysis of Restorative Nature Landscapes and Mental Health Benefits on Urban Residents and Its Planning Implication

陈筝 翟雪倩 叶诗韵 张颖倩 于珏

Chen Zheng, Zhai Xueqian, Ye Shiyun, Zhang Yingqian, Yu Jue


Keywords:Restorative Landscape; Attention Restoration Theory;Stress Reduction Theory; Health Benefits of Nature


研究证明,自然对于城市居民的心智健康有一定的修复作用。为了系统性验证这种修复作用的效果,本文根据相关关键词和两篇标志性论文引用筛选出63篇相关论文,并在此基础上对其中描述统计数据汇报完整的21篇文献结论进行了量化荟萃分析。文献证据表明,人们主观上认为短时自然体验具有恢复性(标准化均值差SMD,Standardized Mean Differences=1.28),自然的这种恢复性在具体健康影响上主要体现在对情绪的有效调节(SMD=1.37)和对压力的有效减低(SMD=-1.00),但对以注意力为主认知能力改善的文献证据,目前尚不明显(SMD=0.10)且仍存在一定矛盾,需要近一步研究。


Evidences suggest that a negative impact of urban built environment on residents’mental health, while nature environment reveals a restorative effect on this negative impact. This study extracts 63 related papers based on keywords and citation tracking of two key references, and examines 21 literatures with complete descriptive statistics through quantitative meta-analysis. Results reveal that nature restorative effect is perceived after short-term exposure (Standardized Mean Differences, SMD=1.28).The health benefits of nature are primarily found in emotion regulation (SMD=1.37) and arousal/stress reduction (SMD=-1.00). The impact on attention and related cognitive performance is insignificant (SMD=0.10) with conflicting results which require further investigation.




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