2016年第4期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2014.101
Researches on Urban Compactness Based on Grid Method: A Case Study of Tianhe District, Guangzhou

郭洪旭 黄莹 赵黛青 肖荣波

Guo Hongxu, Huang Ying, Zhao Daiqing, Xiao Rongbo


Keywords:Urban Compactness; Assessment Index System; Grid Method; Guangzhou Tianhe District




High-resolution remote sensing data of Guangzhou Tianhe district is used to extract building by object-oriented method. Then, the extracted information is used as one of basic data to identify an assessment indices system for measuring urban compactness in the study area. The main results are as following: (1) the method which is used to extract and classify the building information is simple, accurate, reliable and easy to use for urban compactness analysis. (2) The assessment index system which we constructed is an expeditious means to express the difference of physical space, functional layout, and social activity compactness in the different functional zones. Net residential density and population density are key factors to evaluate urban compactness among the assessment indices. (3) The spaces are more compact in the densely built areas of commercial and industrial sites, and the mix of commercial and residential land is helpful to promote compact development. The space of central business district is more compact, followed by secondary business district, ordinary business district and common block.




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