2016年第5期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.320
More than This: Liveable Melbourne Meets Liveable Vancouver

梅格· 霍尔登 安迪· 塞里

Meg Holden, Andy Scerri


Keywords:Urban Liveability; Sustainability; Urban Sustainability; Vancouver; Melbourne




Lessons from two leaders in the liveable cities race, Vancouver and Melbourne, demonstrate that these cities have followed a quite similar development, policy and planning path and now ride the crest of the wave while facing comparable challenges in preparing for the future. Success in urban liveability speaks to the conditions of life for the luckily satis?ed few. An urban liveability that is also sustainable is possible but demands thinking about two other groups for whom the city is responsible: those who cannot meet their needs today, and those who will live in the future city. Melbourne offers an exciting notion of what living in the city is for and a sociability in public life that bene?ts from an intact equity argument at the national scale. Vancouver, by contrast, offers a compelling vision of urban life, for good, throughout the life cycle, one that brings with it an increasingly interactive, partnership-oriented and aspiring relationship between urban residents and their local government. The City of Melbourne is the showpiece, the workplace, and the venue for the young and restless to play. Vancouver has a regional government able to do the heavy lifting of narrowing the urban/suburban divide in metropolitan vision and priorities. In Melbourne, no such metropolitan entity exists, and regional governance is the domain of the state government, protecting established relationships and sharing common interests with big developers.

版权信息:原文刊登于《城市》杂志(Cities , 2013, 31: 444-453),作者授权我刊发表中译文

梅格· 霍尔登,温哥华西蒙弗雷泽大学。mholden@sfu.ca

安迪· 赛里,墨尔本皇家理工学院。andy.scerri@rmit.edu.an



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