2016年第5期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2014.225
A Study on Walkable City Strategies Based on Active Intervention

谭少华 王莹亮 肖健

Tan Shaohua, Wang Yingliang, Xiao Jian


Keywords:Walkable City; Urban Planning; Active Intervention; Strategies




The mobility-led model of urban development has caused serious urban problems, and more attention has been paid to walkable city gradually. It systematically reviews the development process of walkable city, and points out the value of the construction of the walkable cities, then puts forward active intervention strategies from the level of urban and regional, community and street in the perspective of urban planning. Finally, it suggests to strengthen interdisciplinary cooperation, make policies and regulations and enhance the quality of education to build walkable cities.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51278503, 51478057)





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