2016年第5期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2014.222
Integration of People with Place: Policies and Inspirations of Area-based Neighbourhood Regeneration in England Under New Labour Party

程亮 王伟强

Cheng Liang, Wang Weiqiang


Keywords:Neighbourhood Regeneration; Area-based Initiatives; England; Planning Implication




By reviewing of policies and literatures, this article analyzes the evolution of neighborhood regeneration policy in England since New Labor Party Era. According to the policy system of “rationality of policies - scale and mode of intervention - governance mechanism”, this article argues that the main experience is the coordination of social inclusion with economy growth, multi-scale of intervention, and governance from partnership to empowerment. Learning experience from England, it points out that the key to achieving success in neighborhood regeneration for China lies on the integration of the people-oriented with place-oriented policy objectives, the scale expansion of intervention, and the development of neighbourhood governance. It also benefits the thinking on “human urbanization” and urban-rural development of “new normal”.





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