2016年第6期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2015.088
中央—地方视角下中国城乡二元结构的建构 ——“一五计划”到“十二五规划”中国城乡演变分析
The Construction of Urban-Rural Dual Structure from a Central-Local Government Perspective: Study on the Evolution of Urban and Rural China from the First Five-year Plan to the Twelfth Five-year Plan

陈宏胜 李志刚 王兴平

Chen Hongsheng, Li Zhigang, Wang Xingping

关键词:中央—地方政府主导;城乡二元结构;五年计划(规划); “十三五”建议;中国

Keywords:Central-Local Government-dominated; Urban-Rural Dual Structure; Five-year Plan; Suggestion for the Thirteenth Five-year Plan; China


制度是中国城乡发展进程中的核心影响因素,而制度的基础则是中国独特的中央—地方行政结构,特别是经历了1950—1970 年代的计划经济时代,中央—地方自上而下的发展决策形塑了中国城乡二元结构。本文认为,1950 年代以来在中央—地方垂直的国家运作模式下,中国形成了最大限度地缓解城市发展危机的城乡二元结构,中国模式的建立过程一定程度上是对“最优城乡组合”的探索。以“五年计划(规划)”为依据,1950 年代以来的中国城乡演变(“城乡组合”)可划分为“城市重建—乡村重构”、“城市收缩—乡村扩大”、“城市恢复—乡村发展”和“城市扩张—乡村再造”等四个阶段。近年来,国家大力推进城乡改革以适应“新常态”的发展阶段,“十三五”将成为建立中国城乡新格局的关键时期。为此,本文建议“十三五”规划中应重新建构乡村价值,转变以城市需求为导向的乡村发展模式,在“国家—城—乡”之间建立新的均衡关系,使中国城乡实现有序、健康发展。


Institution is the dominant factor in the development of urban and rural China. Institution is based on Chinese unique central-local administrative structure. The planned economic system built during 1950s to 1970s made the role of government more prominent in the social and economic development. This paper argues that the urban-rural dual structure minimizes the risk brought by the development of urban China, and that to some extent China’s development process is to find the optimum combination of urban and rural China. The development of urban and rural China since 1950s can be divided into four stages based on Five-year Plan: “Urban Expansion and Rural Reconstruction”, “Urban Shrinkage and Rural Expansion”, “Urban Regeneration and Rural Development” and “Urban Expansion and Rural Rebuilding”. In recent years, China gets into the “New Normal” phase gradually, and China’s government forces urban and rural China to reach new equilibrium to suit the new environment. Based on above-mentioned analysis, this paper suggests that it is necessary to build new urban-rural dual structure in the Thirteenth-five Plan. To achieve an orderly and healthy development, it is also necessary to establish a new equilibrium relationship among state, urban area and rural area.






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