2017年第1期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.494
Public Interest in Urban Planning: Its Logics and Implication in American Judicial Interpretation


He Mingjun


Keywords:Urban Planning; Public Interest; Judicial Cases; Prudential Consideration




Public interest is the central topic in urban planning and the basis of governmental intervention in land use. Nevertheless, how to define it is a debated question in the planning circles . This paper discusses the public interest in urban planning from the perspective of American judicial precedents. In American judicial cases, there is no concept of absolute protection for private property. Furthermore, the concept of public interest was scalable. The public interest is a comparative advantage that has been carefully considered in a particular social context. The logic of this deliberate and comprehensive consideration encompasses public purposes, due process and interest measurement. A prudent and fair urban planning is a matter of public interest.




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