2017年第1期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.497
The Institutional Dilemma and Solution of Urban Public Interest’s Judicial Remedy in China:Insights from Australian Experience


Yu Yang


Keywords:Judicial Remedy; Third-party Rights of Appeal; Urban Public Interests; Australian Experience;Dilemma and Solution




As the ultimate remedy of rights, judicial remedy is of great importance to the protection of rights. From the perspective of third-party rights of appeal, the paper first discusses the existing dilemma of Chinese judicial remedy in protection of urban public interests. As the earliest nation of establishing urban planning judicial remedy system and introducing third-party rights of appeal, Australian experience has significant inspiration for China. Thus, the paper further researches NSW’s LEC and Victoria’s VCAT in detail. Based on the case studies, some suggestions of solving the institutional dilemma in China are finally brought forward.




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