2017年第1期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.047
The Evolution of Command and Control Centers in China (2006-2014)

李涛 王燚 缪家驹

Li Tao, Wang Yi, Miao Jiaju


Keywords:Command and Control Centers; Headquarters; Multinational Companies; Industry Sectors




The financial crisis, which began in 2007, led to the economic recession and restructuring of the global economy. Different industrial sectors of the economy and different economies have been affected in varying degrees which have a major impact on the command and control function of cities. Based on the Forbes “The Global 2000” database, this paper analyses the command and control centers in the world and China and their changing positions in the period of 2006-2014. It is found that the status of cities in developed countries have fallen while Chinese cities have risen. Beijing is the primate command and control center in China, its status has risen because of the rapid growth of financial sectors. How the industry sectors impact on these changing positions is examined. The final result is a classification of cities into three groups based on the complexity of their industry profiles. The top three command and control cities, i.e., Beijing, Hong Kong and Shanghai are compared according to their sectors.




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