2017年第1期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2015.354
The Reference for Chinese Public Rental Housing from the Dutch Experience

林艳柳 刘铮 王世福

Lin Yanliu, Liu Zheng, Wang Shifu


Keywords:Dutch Social Housing; Social Housing Organization; Policy System; Public Rental Housing




Since the early 20th century, the Dutch social housing provision has accumulated a wealth of practical experience. This paper discusses the evolution of the unique policies and social housing systems within more than a hundred years in the Netherlands, and the distinct roles of the governments and social housing organizations in different historical periods. Accompanied by the decentralization process and real estate development, the social housing organizations have gradually become economically independent and been the main actor in social housing construction. Furthermore, rent control and the housing subsidy system have promoted the development of social housing in the Netherlands. In the past few years, China has accelerated the construction of indemnificatory housing, in which public rental housing will play an increasingly important role. However, the provision of public rental housing in Chinese big cities has currently encountered many issues ranging from land shortage to financial and management difficulties. The experience of social housing construction in the Netherlands may provide a reference for Chinese public rental housing policy.


刘铮,华南理工大学与比利时鲁汶大学(KU Leuven),联合培养博士生。zheng.liu@urbanstudy.net


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