2017年第2期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.074
出行时耗约束下的大都市区空间尺度研究 —— 基于国内外典型案例比较
Study on Reasonable Spatial Scale of Metropolitan Area in the Perspective of Travel Time: Based on the Comparison of Typical Cases at Home and Abroad

张沛 王超深

Zhang Pei, Wang Chaoshen


Keywords:Urban Planning; Metropolitan Area; Travel Time; Commuting Efficiency; Regional Railway


国内超大城市已进入都市区发展阶段,但相关理论却相对滞后,研究我国都市区的空间尺度问题有利于科学地制定城市政策,预留规划设施,促进都市区健康发展。本文从出行时耗角度入手,分析归纳国外发达国家都市区发展历程与当前特征,结合京沪等都市区发展现状及通勤时耗特征,研判我国大都市区空间尺度问题。研究结论证实我国大城市都市区空间拓展应以轨道交通为主要支撑方式,小汽车模式虽然出行效率较高,但边际成本较高,不适合我国城市高强度开发特点。在轨道网络化条件下,从出行时耗的角度,提出都市区内单程最长通勤时耗不应超过1.5 小时,采用地铁或市域铁路制式支撑空间拓展最大半径在40~60 km 范围内,超大城市都市区范围在7 000 km2 左右,特大城市都市区范围在3 500 km2 左右。为压缩出行时耗,提高通勤效率,应加强交通与用地系统耦合开发,提高接驳系统规划设计水平,整体提高出行链组织效率,保证出行时耗最小化。


Megacities of China have entered the development stage of metropolitan area(MA), meanwhile related theory is relatively lagging. Studying the spatial scale of MA is helpful for making scientific city policy, reserving facilities resources, and ensuring the healthy development of MA. From the perspective of travel time, development process and current characteristics of MA in developed countries are analyzed, combined with present situation and characteristics of commuting time of Beijing MA and Shanghai MA, the space dimension of MA is studied under the condition that rail network is to be completed. Railway should be used to support MA spatial development in China. Although the efficiency of car travel is relatively higher, the marginal cost is also higher, which is not suitable for China. In the context of using subway or regional railway system to support the expansion of MA, one-way commuting time should be no more than 1.5 h, the maximum radius of MA is 40~60 km, the scale of super MA is roughly around 7 000 km2, and extra MA is around 3 500 km2. In order to improve commuting efficiency, land use system development should be strengthened. It is vital to improve the planning and designing level of interchange system and raise the organization efficiency of the whole trip chain.





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