2017年第3期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.125
回归后香港公共住房政策审视及实施成效 —— 基于社会可持续性的视角
Examination and Implementation of Public Housing Policies in Post-handover Hong Kong: A Social Sustainability Perspective

魏宗财 何深静 刘玉亭 陈婷婷

Wei Zongcai, He Shenjing, Liu Yuting, Chen Tingting


Keywords:Public Housing Policies; Social Sustainability; Hong Kong; Tseung Kwan O


香港在解决低收入群体住房问题方面是一个成功的典范。但回归20 年来,香港公共住房的供给除了受复杂多变的宏观经济环境和泛政治化的社会环境的影响,还受社会阶层固化、政策覆盖面有限、政府部门间协调不畅等深层次因素的显著影响,供求脱节的问题难以在短时间内解决。对将军澳新市镇的调查发现,香港已建成的公屋住区具有较高水平的社会可持续性,显示出香港公共住房政策的实施成效显著。这对中国内地及亚洲其他城市在公共住房政策制定和实施方面具有一定的借鉴。笔者建议国内保障性住房政策需要循序渐进地推进,数量与质量并重,更加重视低收入家庭的实际需求。


Hong Kong is a successful model in addressing the housing problem of lowincome groups. However, in the past two decades, the supply of public housing in Hong Kong has been affected by several complex factors, including the complicated global economic environment and the politicized social environment, the consolidated social hierarchical system, the limited coverage of public housing policy, and the poor coordination among government departments. As a result, the imbalance between supply and demand cannot be easily solved. Taking the housing estates in Tseung Kwan O new town as cases, this study found that the public housing estates in Hong Kong enjoy a high level of social sustainability, especially in terms of public transport, employment and community management. This provides important policy implications for the provision of public housing in mainland China and other Asian cities. This study also suggests that the government of mainland China should construct the affordable housing step by step, and pay more attention to the actual needs of lowincome families than before.

基金项目:中国博士后科学基金(2017M610524)、中央高校基本科研业务费(17lgy39) 国家自然科学基金项目(41671153、41271183)、亚热带建筑科学国家重点实 验室自主研究课题项目(2017KA02)共同资助






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