2017年第3期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.084
西方研究中城市空间公共性的组成维度及“公共”与 “私有”的界定特征
Dimensions of the Publicness of Urban Space and Defining Features of “Public” and “Private” in Western Research

王一名 陈洁

Wang Yiming, Chen Jie


Keywords:Publicness of Urban Space; Dimensions; Defining Features; Western Research




With the emergence of “privatization” and “commercialization”, public spaces in Western countries have gradually become the mixture of private property and public sphere. As a result, the relationship between “public” and “private” in Western urban space becomes increasingly complicated and the influencing factors of the publicness of urban space are getting more and more diverse. In order to assess the publicness of urban space in a systematic way, Western researchers have paid much attention on the dimensions of the publicness. Drawing on a review of Western literature, Varna and Tiesdell have identified six dimensions of the publicness. Based on the refinement and development of Varna and Tiesdell’s work, this paper argues that the publicness of urban space consists of eight dimensions, and summarizes their defining features of “public” and “private”. It aims at providing a reference for the research on Chinese context.





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