2017年第3期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.033
A Review of Studies on Communicative Planning and a Reflection on Its Application in China


Xu Mingming


Keywords:Communicative Planning; Public Participation; Urban Planning


城市规划学科发展至今,已涌现出诸多规划理论。其中20 世纪60 年代由西方规划学界提出的沟通式规划理论,近年来逐步进入了中国规划师的视野。伴随着中国民主化进程的不断推进及城市规划中产权利益矛盾的日益凸显,该理论迅速引起了学者的关注。本文对沟通式规划的起源、主要思想、规划方法等内容进行系统性梳理,对沟通式规划在中国如何更好地运用展开思考,提出了增大公众参与规划的权利、将沟通式规划纳入法制化轨道、在规划编制中设置沟通参与评估部分、规划专业教育中增加沟通式规划技能训练等建议。


With the development of urban planning studies, many planning theories have been developed, including communicative planning theory. Proposed by Western Scholars in the 1960s, the theory has paid great attention by Chinese scholars in recent years. With the progress of democratization and the emergence of property rights conflicts in urban planning in China, communicative planning theory is of particular interest to Chinese scholars. This paper makes a systematic review on the origin, thinking, and planning methods of communicative planning and then makes recommendations on how to make better use of communicative planning in China. These include increasing public participation in the planning process, establishing communicative planning into legal processes, and increasing communication skills training in planning education.




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