2017年第3期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2015.570
Functions and Characteristics of City Engine and Its Rule-based Modeling in Urban Planning

骆燕文 何江

Luo Yanwen, He Jiang


Keywords:City Engine; Efficient Modeling; Urban Planning; Aided Design




City Engine (CE) can efficiently generate 3D city models by rulebased modeling and has great potential in supporting urban planning and design. Nowadays there is still lack of research about City Engine in the urban planning field. From the viewpoint of urban planning, this study analyzes advantages of rule-based modeling, model accuracy and modeling steps based on previous studies and planning projects. From the above analysis, the present paper describes how to support urban planning and design. For the application of CE-based models to urban planning, the following four major steps are proposed in the paper: (1) data preparation and processing; (2) classification of urban construction elements; (3) generating and assigning rules; (4) model generation and modification. Under consideration of model accuracy, CE models are suitable for supporting the master planning and the regulatory detailed planning design. In urban planning, CE could play the following supporting roles: 3D visualization of urban space; data output for urban environment analysis, assessment and management; and providing a communication platform for public participation. It would also be combined with other application softwares for supporting urban planning and management.





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