2017年第3期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.345
The Reform of Dutch Spatial Planning System and Its Inspirations

周静 沈迟

Zhou Jing, Shen Chi

关键词:规划体系改革;简政放权;多法合一;多规合一; 环境愿景/ 规划;介入性用地规划

Keywords:Reform of Spatial Planning System; Decentralization; Integration of Spatial Laws; Integration of Spatial-related Sectoral Plans; Environmental Vision/Plan; Imposed Land Use Plan


本文重点分析了荷兰规划体系从2008 年前后开始的一系列重大改革措施。中央政府启动大手笔改革的主要目的是简政放权,减少控制性规划对市场能动性的限制,整合和简化与空间和环境相关的所有法律法规,缩短规划编制和审批的程序,以求促进经济发展。文章首先总结了荷兰新的社会经济背景和城市发展阶段对原有体系提出的挑战;之后详细阐述了国家级空间规划的最小化实践、政府层级间规划制约和审批关系的简化措施,以及目前仍在探索和试点中的多法合一、多规合一、多证合一改革等重点方面。荷兰规划体系的改革成效仍需拭目以待,但对于同样在推进简政放权改革的中国社会无疑有重要的借鉴价值。


In this paper, a series of big changes of Dutch spatial planning system since around 2008 is introduced and analyzed. The main purpose of Dutch central government for commencing thorough reforms is to decentralize powers to local levels, reducing restrictions to market-driven development caused by passive planning, integrating and simplifying regulations, shortening the process of plan-making and approving, thus stimulating economic growth. The first part of the paper summarizes the challenges the traditional Dutch spatial planning system is facing under current socioeconomic background. Then, several major reform actions are analyzed in detail, including minimization of national spatial planning, simplification of the relations of different government levels, integration of spatial and environment-related laws and regulations, as well as integration of sectoral plans into one environment vision/plan. Although the effects of the reforms in the Netherland are still waiting to be seen, several useful tips can already be concluded for the reference of Chinese spatial planning system.





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