2017年第3期   DOI:10.22217/upi. 2016.489
归“真”: 现代性与城市遗产交织视界下的巴黎玛黑保护区规划变革
Back to “Authenticity”: Planning Development of Safeguarded Sector of Paris Marais in the Cross View of Modernity and Urban Heritage

莫浙娟 荆锋 王世福

Mo Zhejuan, Jing Feng, Wang Shifu


Keywords:Safeguarded Sector of Paris Marais; Modernity; Urban Heritage; Planning Development; Back to“ Authenticity”




Paris Marais experienced population agglomeration and space filling for centuries, and became extremely dense. Nowadays it appeares a kind of fracture development: population’s outward movement for more than half a century. Its PSMV has paid the price of time, and carried out strategic changes in antagonism of social forces. Therefore, observing the spatial and social development motives of Marais can recognize the intertwining relationship of “opposites and unity”between urban heritage rotection and modernity demands. The conception of urban heritage from narrow to broad sense evolves with “changing” requirements of social development. In view of the fact that the historical and cultural value of the heritage is no longer the core of the controversy in practice, the choice of approach to treat urban heritage needs to consider the multi-dimensional demands of society. Thus, the aim of this study is to reveal an ideal speculation about development perspective of Chinese conservation district: back to the “authenticity”, that means return to the real social evolution.

基金项目:2016 年度广州市哲学社会科学发展“十三五”规划智库(2016GZZK32); 58 批中国博士后科学基金面上项目一等资助(2015M580722)





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