2017年第4期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.127
Two Models for Revitalizing Village: Enlightenments Under Resilient Perspective

颜文涛 卢江林

Yan Wentao, Lu Jianglin


Keywords:Village Community; Revitalizing Models; Comparison of Gentrification and Grassroots; Resilience Development





Through analyzing two models of revitalizing village under resilient perspective, it is important for a better understanding of concept, guiding the resilience building and resilience planning, reflection of rural revitalizing. On the basis of analytical concept of resilience, this paper makes a comparison analysis of gentrification and grassroots. We found that grassroots mode is more resilient than gentrification, which have more ability of sustainable development. Summed up four enlightenments for resilience building, the resilience community construction is far from “self-dependence”; pay more attention to the resilience of small incremental cultivation relative to the big event; the cultivation of learning abilities and creativity is the core section of resilience construction, the individual resilience and entire social networks’ resilience are the core elements of resilience construction. Then, extends to urban planning area, this paper holds that resilience plan needs the guidance of “permanent good” from ecological wisdom, and through the process of excavate, learning, innovation and continue the local knowledge, finish the virtuous circle of “practice-knowledge-wisdom”.





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