2017年第4期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.141
中国古代都城营建中的生态智慧及其现代启示 —— 隋唐长安、宋代临安、明清北京的实证研究
Ecological Wisdom in the Construction of Ancient China Capital City and Its Modern Enlightenments: The Empirical Research on Chang’an of Sui and Tang Dynasties, Lin’an of Song Dynasty, and Beijing of Ming and Qing Dynasties

闫水玉 裴雯

Yan Shuiyu, Pei Wen


Keywords:Chang’an of Sui and Tang Dynasties; Lin’an of Song Dynasty; Beijing of Ming and Qing Dynasties; Urban Morphology; Natural Adaptability; Energy Effectiveness; Ecological Wisdom




Through the analysis of the city historical map and local historical data, combined with on-site inspection, this paper studies the relationship between the site selection, spatial pattern, building group and topography, hydrology, climate of the typical capitals (Chang’an of Sui and Tang Dynasties, Lin’an of Song Dynasty, and Beijing of Ming and Qing Dynasties) in ancient China. We find that the urban form and natural element are well adapted to each other, embodying the urban space collaborative ecological wisdom that “using natural ecological resources efficiently, creating the synergy of natural and human” in urban planning and design of ancient China. Essentially, these successful ancient cities supported the city’s efficient use of energy with ecological order rich in regional characteristics and clear ecological processes, constituting the basis of the prosperity of these cities. Facing increasingly serious urban environmental problems, ecological wisdom reveals us that urban spatial form planning and design should adapt to the pattern and function of natural ecology, be based on the natural space, construct the urban space structure, let the natural element guide the growth of space, realize the balance between urban process and natural evolution process, use the energy effectively, and maintain the stability of urban ecology fundamentally.





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