2017年第4期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2015.170
新型城镇化的“和平道路”: 基于田园城市理论原型的解读与猜想
The Peaceful Path of New Urbanization: Interpretation and Hypothesis of Theoretical Prototype in the Garden City Theory


Chen Zhao


Keywords:Garden City; New Urbanization; Metropolitanization; Land System




Ebenezer Howard’s Garden City Theory and his book Garden Cities of To-morrow is one of the greatest thinking in the history of urban planning, which has inspired urban planners in different periods of modern planning history. This paper takes two concepts from Garden Cities of To-morrow, “the sociable cities” and “the disappeared landlord rental”, as theoretical prototypes to trace the origin for the complex relation of urbanization. Following Howard’s framework, this complex relation is further explored in current context of China’s undergoing transformation towards New Urbanization. This paper argues that the fundamental problem of Chinese “old urbanization” is the fracture of the urbanizing path, and the key to new urbanization is to discover the “peaceful path” of urbanization, whose core element is space. Furtherly, it is argued that the fundamental path of China’s New Urbanization should include two elements, the urban-rural integrated metropolitan space and the land renting and taxation reform based on the right of land-use.




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