2017年第4期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.520
Spatial Planning Experience in England and Its Implications to China

周姝天 翟国方 施益军

Zhou Shutian, Zhai Guofang, Shi Yijun

关键词:空间规划体系;英格兰;区域空间战略;规划编制; 规划监测

Keywords:Spatial Planning System; England; Regional Spatial Strategies; Plan-making; Plan-monitoring


空间规划体系和内容因政治体制、经济基础、历史文化和资源禀赋条件等因素的差异各有不同,但其目的都是为了促进空间协调,实现地区的可持续发展。英国作为现代城市规划的发源地和城市规划体系最为完善的国家之一,在空间规划编制和实施上积累了丰富的经验,总结英国空间规划的成功经验对我国空间规划的编制和实施具有重要的借鉴意义。本文在回顾英国空间规划体系发展历程的基础上,以2004—2011 年间的英格兰区域空间战略为例,重点介绍和分析了区域空间战略在政策编制和实施成效监测方面的经验。在此基础上,结合我国空间规划的现状和问题,提出了体系构建、规划编制和实施保障方面的启示和建议。


Spatial planning systems and their contents vary from countries to countries, due to diverse political institutions, economic foundations, cultural traditions and natural endowments etc.. Yet, the heart of spatial planning is always to promote the spatial coordination and contribute to sustainability. England is the birthplace of modern urban planning and runs one of the most comprehensive spatial planning systems in the world, making the experience worthy of learning by China to optimize its spatial planning system and plan-making. On the basis of reviewing the evolution of English planning system, this paper focuses on the making and monitoring of its Regional Spatial Strategy, and provides suggestions in terms of improving China’s spatial planning system, preparing better spatial plans, and operating a more effective guarantee mechanism.






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