2017年第4期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2015.085
Function Expansion and Policy Evolution of Rural Area in France During the Rapid Urbanization Period

汤爽爽 冯建喜

Tang Shuangshuang, Feng Jianxi


Keywords:Rural Policy; Rapid Urbanization; France; Evolution




During the rapid urbanization process, rural area is an important area which should be drew attention. The paper focuses on the policy evolution and function expansion of rural area in France during the rapid urbanization period. In this period, the government of France carried out a series of rural policies, which are found to have features of different development phases in pace with the changing contexts. And the rural area in France gradually turned from agricultural production area, farmers’ living area to multi-production area, urban and rural residents’ living place as well as environmental protection area. Finally, the paper puts forward some implications for China based on the conclusion of rural policy and rural development in France.





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