2018年第1期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.540
Urban Form and Digitalization of Urban Design


Guan Chenghe


Keywords:Urban Form; Spatial Analysis; Digitalization of Urban Design; Urban Intensity


18 世纪中叶,英国的约翰·斯诺使用空间分析方法来研究伦敦流行病的爆发,奠定了现代社会城市形态应用于解决城市问题的方法论基础。随着计算机计算速度的提高和大量数字化数据的出现,城市形态学在数字化城市设计中的应用得到进一步的发展。本文从凯文·林奇的城市形态学元素的分析入手,结合城市形态学在数字化城市设计教学中的应用、实践与研究来探讨其所带来的影响。结合国际学术领域的发展和案例,在世界范围内探讨城市形态学与数字化城市设计在未来的重要意义。


In the mid-18 Century, John Snow utilized spatial data analysis to trace the source of a cholera outbreak in London. His methods established the fundamental theory of using urban morphological study to solve practical urban issues. Accompanied by rapid innovation, technological improvement, and increasing computational power, urban morphology has been widely applied to digitalization of urban design. Through the urban form elements proposed by Kevin Lynch, this paper introduces the development of urban morphology in relation to digitalization of urban design in education, design practice and academic research. This paper adopts a variety of international case studies and discusses the importance of urban form and digitalization of urban design at a global scale.

基金项目:哈佛大学中国能源经济环境项目、哈佛大学约翰·鲍森工程和 应用科学院和哈佛大学环球学院首届研究基金“中国2030 年/ 2050”研究课题




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