2018年第2期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.042
The Significance of Roadside Stations in Japan and Its Implications for Rural Revitalization of China

陈林 刘云刚

Chen Lin, Liu Yungang


Keywords:Roadside Stations; Urban-Rural Coordination; Rural Regeneration; Rural Revitalization; Japan




The establishment of roadside stations was playing a crucial role in revitalizing rural Japan. This paper aims to analyze the process of roadside stations’construction and its mechanism and meaning for the rural revitalization of Japan, and then discusses the key experiences for promoting the urban-rural coordination and rural revitalization of China. With the promotion of rural-urban exchange, there is a great increase of roadside stations distributed all over the Japan. The roadside stations play as a platform, to promote the collaboration among agriculture, manufacturing and services within the region. It is considered as a useful way to combine the different types of capital, and help to build the new local brand for attracting more urban consumers into rural areas. They also play as a window to promote the formation of collaboration networks between local famers, enterprises, organizations, government and so on. The network helps to absorb the financial resources, human resources, management know-how, information flows and so on from urban areas more than past. It is apparent that the establishment of roadside stations actually alleviates the life problems, and facilitates the capacity building in the restructuring process of rural areas. As stated above, we can indicate that the establishment of roadside stations in rural Japan is a valuable experience for China to regenerate its rural areas.





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