2019年第1期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.411
The Emotional Significances of Historic Environment and Conservation of Historic Cities

王洋 于立

Wang Yang, Yu Li


Keywords:Historic Environment; Emotion; Place Attachment; Conservation of Historic Cities




There is a lack of consideration on the emotional significance of historic environment in existing conservation research and practice of historic cities. Based on literature review and theoretical analysis within the frame of place attachment, a concept which lies in the centre of people-place emotion research and environmental psychology, this paper draws an explanation on the significance of historic environment in helping people developing their sense of identity and the sense of belonging. Conservation of historic cities is thus inspired by taking considerations of this emotional value to promot its public participation level, challeng its current paradigm, realise its economic values and manage townscape changes. At the same time, the vision as well as challenges of getting emotion issues involved in conservation professions in China are also discussed on theoretical level.





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