2019年第2期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.203
The Evolution and Governance of Slums in Rio de Janeiro from the Perspective of Urban Informality

李明烨 亚历克斯·马格尔哈斯

Li Mingye, Alex Magalhaes

关键词:城市非正规性 ;贫民窟 ;更新 ;包容性 ;软发展 ;里约热内卢

Keywords:Urban Informality; Slum; Renewal; Inclusivity; Soft Development; Rio de Janeiro




From the perspective of urban informality, this paper reviews the development of slums in Rio de Janeiro and the evolution of related policies, then analyzes the experience of slums upgrading in this region. In general, the policy in Rio which has transformed from ignorance, to forced eviction and removal, and then to upgrading and renewal, is moving towards an equitable and human one. Although due to the economic recession and political corruption, the current policy is facing the problem of inefficiency, the case of Rio illustrates the process of the urban government seeking for an appropriate position of urban informality in the spatial and institutional dimensions, which provides implications for the renewal of “urban villages” in Chinese cities.


李明烨,博士,法中建筑与城乡可持续发展研究院副主任。mingye.li@ifadur. com


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