2019年第2期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2018.153
城市“零废弃”运动 :瑞典马尔默经验借鉴
Zero Waste Movement in City: A Case Study on Malm? of Sweden

罗朝璇 童昕 黄婧娴

Luo Zhaoxuan, Tong Xin, Huang Jingxian

关键词:“零废弃”运动;循环利用;城市废物管理系统;生产者责任延伸制 ;马尔默

Keywords:Zero Waste Movement; Recycling; Urban Waste Management System; Extended Producer Responsibility; Malm?


?城市“零废弃”运动是近年来兴起的、旨在通过促进废物的减量化和循环利用,重建可持续并且有活力的社区环境的系列努力。本文以瑞典马尔默市的两个不同阶层聚居的城市更新社区“西港 Bo01” 和“奥古斯滕堡生态城”为例,介绍不同层级的相关主体在这一运动中,从规划有助于社区居民开展垃圾分类的行为空间、建设针对不同废物流的循环处理公共设施,以及重新界定废物管理责任的划分机制几个方面入手,逐步深入推进循环经济系统转型的过程。结论针对我国目前城市循环经济体系建设中存在的现实问题,就新技术的适用性、城市废物管理系统变革和生产者责任延伸制度三方面总结借鉴马尔默的经验。


Zero Waste movement has been embraced by local communities in many cities to regain sustainability and vitality through waste prevention and recycling in recent years. This paper takes two communities, Bo01 in V?stra Hamnen and Augustenborg, in the city of Malm? in Sweden as the examples to illustrate the cross scale efforts by various stakeholders in building the recycling common space in local communities. The efforts include building pro-recycling environment in neighborhoods, planning recycling facilities for separated waste streams at the municipal level, and redefining the responsibility in waste management in the legal system. The conclusion provides several implications to the urban circular economy policy in China.

基金项目:国家重点研发计划固废资源化专项(2018YFC1902701), 国家自然科学基金重点项目“全球—地方互动与中国区域产业重构”(41731278)



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