2019年第3期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2019.141
趋向水环境保护的城市小流域土地利用生态化 —— 生态实践路径、空间规划策略与开发断面模式
Ecological Land Use Planning Towards Water Environment Protection at Urban Watershed: Ecological Practice Approaches, Spatial Planning Strategies and Development Transect Models

颜文涛 邹锦

Yan Wentao, Zou Jin


Keywords:Urban Watershed; Water Environment Performance; Ecological Practice Approaches; Spatial Planning Strategies; Development Transect Models




By analyzing the correlation between land use and water environment at the urban watershed, we can deeply understand the inter-relationships of land use planning and control to water environment management, and provide scientific basis of ecological land use planning for water environment protection. This paper summarizes the previous empirical results on the relationship between land use and water environment, discusses the restriction and guidance of water environment objectives on land use. Based on those results, this paper proposes the ecological practice approaches for urban watershed, which integrate water environment objectives to ecological land use planning. Furthermore, it puts forward spatial planning strategies for improving water environment performance, from three aspects, (non-)construction land use proportion, land use type and layout at the urban watershed. Lastly, from stream source to outlet, it proposes three conceptual models of ecological transect, aiming at three kinds of urban watershed with different degree of restriction. Exploring to translate quantitative water environment objectives into spatial planning strategies, can provide a spatial framework for improving water quality of urban streams, and also, help us to use land use planning tools to effectively cope with urban water environmental problems.





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