2019年第3期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2018.101
The Intelligent Urban Governance Based on Big Data: International Experience and China Strategy

曹阳 甄峰 席广亮

Cao Yang, Zhen Feng, Xi Guangliang


Keywords:Big Data; Urban Governance; Experience Reference; Application Mode; Strategy Research




During the development of new urbanization, the interest structure among different social groups are dividing continually. The traditional urban governance model is facing transformation and reformation. Based on the current situation and problems of urban governance, this paper selects the representative cities like Chicago, Singapore and New York on their big data applications, then analyzes the practical application mode and methods from three core aspects of urban operation dynamic monitoring, urban development scenario prediction and urban multi-agents co-governance. On this basis, it combines the mature experiences of foreign countries with the current situation of China’s urban development, focusing on the innovative model and specific application framework of intelligent urban governance supported by big data. Finally, it elaborates the comprehensive application ideas from the four aspects on urban operation situation, urban governance decision-making support, urban governance process supervision and public participation. The authors hope this research could provide theoretical guidance and methods for the intelligent urban governance practice in China.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41571146,41701178), 江苏省建设系统科技项目(2016JH09),国家科技支撑计划课题(2015BAJ08B01)





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