2019年第3期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.401
The Reference Significance of the Space Form of Hutong to the Opening of the Residential Area

刘悄然 赵鸣 徐放

Liu Qiaoran, Zhao Ming, Xu Fang


Keywords:Hutong; Open Residential Areas; Enclosed Residential Areas; Space Form ; Block System




Hutong can be seen as a block area formed by government planning and spontaneous transformation during more than two thousand years. Although there are many problems, it still has unique vitality. Hutong has a hierarchical network of flexible and diversified forms of traffic organization, and has the corresponding hierarchical space. This space form has a systematic planning system and an empirical openness and has great inspiration for practicing the open policy of residential area advocated. This paper focuses on the interpretation of the opening and closing of the residential area, points out that the opening of the residential area is not only a dismantling of the wall, but a spatial reorganization. It analyzes how the Hutong can meet the needs of the residents’ traffic and communication through the establishment of the road system and the space of activity. At last, it puts forward the strategy of integrating the Hutong spatial form and the modern residential area advantages.






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