2019年第3期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.289
Stage Feature and Regulation Mechamism for Country Parks in Hong Kong

阎凯 沈清基

Yan Kai, Shen Qingji


Keywords:Country Park; Stage Feature; Regulation Mechanism; Planning and Policy; Hong Kong


香港郊野公园发展对我国城市绿色生态空间建设具有重要示范意义,其形成发展及管制策略与贯穿全港的历次规划战略及政策文件息息相关。文章试图对其在规划政策影响下的阶段特征及自身管制机制展开分析。首先,文章将20 世纪中叶以来关键性规划政策对香港郊野公园的影响过程总结为四个阶段:1945—1970 年咨询研究阶段、1970—1980 年规模化兴建阶段、1980—2000 年小微增长与局部调整阶段、2000 年以来用途优化和扩展再规划阶段。影响的维度主要集中在郊野公园的空间分布、功能内涵、形态组织及规模拓展等,但不同阶段的影响维度有异,影响的力度也存在差别。其次,从机构设置与权力配置、法律法规变迁与内容、多主体参与管制过程三个维度阐述了香港郊野公园的管制机制:一是法律保障下的专门机构设置与赋权,二是建立了覆盖全面的法律法规体系,三是开展社会组织与经济团体的参与性管制。本文希望为我国城市制定相应的绿色生态空间管制政策,渐进式地优化绿色生态功能配置及空间组织提供借鉴。


The development of country parks in Hong Kong has a great significance for the construction of urban green and ecological space in China. The formation, development and regulation of country parks is tightly connected with several versions of spatial planning and policies in Hong Kong. This paper attempts to analyze the features of country parks in different stages and its regulation mechanism. Firstly, this paper summarizes the development stages of country parks through probing the related urban planning and policies, further divides it into four stages, including the consulting research phase of 1945-1970, the large-scale construction phase of 1970-1980, the micro-growth and partial adjustment phase of 1980-2000, and using optimization and expansion planning phase after 2000. The influencial dimensions encompasses spatial layout, function definition, morphology design and size definition. There are differences in influencial dimension and influencial intensification. Secondly, this paper summarizes the regulation mechanism from the dimensions of authority arrangement, law content and empowerment, and multi-sakeholder involvement. The aim of this paper is providing the insightful implication for regulation and policy-making of China’s urban green and ecological space.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(51778435),国家社会科学基金重点项目(17AZD011),上海市2017 年度“科技创新行动计划”(17DZ12032)




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