2019年第4期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2018.237
From “Passive Receiver” to “Co-creator”: A Developing Framework of Smart City Theory from the Evolving View


Chu Jinhua


Keywords:Smart City; Data; Citizen Participation; Bottom-Up; Citizen-sourcing


针对智慧城市理论研究存在的概念多元化、研究脉络不明显和对市民参与问题认知深度不够等现象,论文以“市民在智慧城市建设中所发挥的作用”为视角对智慧城市理论典型观点进行了演化分析。然后从“ICT 成熟度—城市发展需求—建设任务”三个维度构建了智慧城市理论整合模型,提出:(1)人的认知是智慧城市建设的动力源;(2)智慧城市是一个散系统;(3)智慧城市建设是一个不断深化的连续体;(4)智慧城市建设内容需经历基础设施建设、制度转型和大众创新三个阶段;(5)以市场为主体的商业模式是智慧城市建设健康可持续发展的有力支撑等观点。接下来,结合演化分析和研究观点指出了智慧城市理论发展趋势并提出了以下建议:(1)学术界应主动对接相关政府部门和ICT 企业,提升理论对实践的指导作用;(2)创新研究视角,按“自下而上”建设模式构建智慧城市理论体系;(3)创新数据获取方法;(4)将研究重点转移到市民参与上来;(5)多关注智慧城市建设的商业模式创新。


Taking into account the diversification, ambiguous context and lack of knowledge of citizen participation in smart theory research area, this paper analyzes the evolution of typical attitudes on smart city theory from the view of “roles the citizens play during the smart city construction”. Then, it puts forward an integrative framework of smart city theory based on the “ICT maturity-urban development needs-tasks” dimension, based on which it proposes that (1) human recognition is the source of driving force for smart city construction; (2) smart city is a system of systems; (3) smart city construction is a continuously deepening continuum; (4) the construction contents should experience three stages which include infrastructure construction, institution transformation and citizen innovation; (5) the market-based business model is a strong support for the healthy and sustainable development of smart cities. Next, according to the above evolution analysis and research proposals, this paper advances the developing directions as well as puts forward some related suggestions: (1) the researchers should keep an active contact with the practitioners in order to promote the theories’ guiding roles on practices; (2) innovative research perspective, constructing a smart city theoretical system according to the “bottom-up” construction model; (3) innovate the method of acquiring data; (4) focus on the citizen participation field; (5) pay more attention to innovate the business models of smart cites construction.




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