2019年第5期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.344
German Housing Rental System and Its Enlightenment to the Cultivation of Housing Rental Market in China


Wang Yang


Keywords:Germany; Housing Rental System; Rent Control; Equal Rights for Living in Rental or Purchased Home; Balance Between Housing Rent and Sale




The German rental housing market is mature and with perfect systems. Relying on market mechanism, the rent is set by “Rent Mirror” which can reflect the regional rents level, and the rent increases is strictly controlled according to laws and regulations around “Rent Mirror”. Based on winwin situation for both tenant and landlord, rental regulations are stipulated clearly and specifically to details on “duration of contracts”, “justified reasons for tenant eviction”, “eviction notification requirements”, “deposit requirements”, etc. The related systems such as “household registration”,“finance systems”, and “social housing systems”, ensure the rights of tenants and private householders equally, make renting and purchasing a house have their respective advantages. The learning from German rental systems is valuable to the development of Chinese housing rental market. Aiming for balance between rent and sale, the first step is to decouple private household property rights from household registration and social welfare, and make equal rights for living in rental or purchased home; secondly, rent control tools should be created to stabilize the rent increases and the rental return, and to promote financial institutions obtain credit funds profit from rental sector; thirdly, in order to refine the management of rental sector, related laws and regulations should be improved.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(51608415),陕西省自然科学基础研究计划—— 一般项目(青年)(2018JQ5096),住房城乡建设部2016 年科学技术项目计划——研究开发项目(2016-K2-019),陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目(16JK1432),国家留学基金



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