2019年第6期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2019.515
Multi-objective Cooperative Planning Governance of Street Market: A Case Study of Street Market Construction in Portland, the US

陈煊 袁涛 杨婕

Chen Xuan, Yuan Tao, Yang Jie


Keywords:Street Market; Portland; Vendor; Cooperative Planning Governance; Grassroots Culture; Food Cart


街边市场以基本相似的临时流动形式充斥在全球的每一个国家。在中国春秋战国时期(770 BC—221 BC)的著作《周礼》中已有关于“夕市,夕时而市,贩夫贩妇为主”的记载,街边市场的特定空间和社群延续至今有着中国自身独特的形式和内容,但其生存境地一直堪忧。尤其是近年在单一目标式管理方法下,对街边市场实行了大面积的“取缔、驱逐、监控”等相关政策,导致一系列的“社会冲突事件”频频发生,摊贩治理问题反反复复一直困扰着地方政府及相关管理部门。本研究聚焦于美国波特兰政府以多目标协同规划治理的街边市场,以及以此形成的都市生活文化,发现波特兰街市治理背后无不体现了其城市政府开放包容的价值观。结论指出,城市公共空间的管理政策需要更大的弹性和包容性,重新评估中国现行管理实施效果,而这首先需要肯定街边市场在城市发展中的意义,寻求地方政府多部门协同规划治理的系统整合方法;其次,公众应该关注草根街市文化。


Street Market is flooded in every country in the world as a basically similar temporary mobility form. Since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period (770 BC - 221 BC) in China, there have been recorded about the management of the street vendors in “Zhou L”. Its specific space and community continues to have its own unique form and content, but its living condition is worrying for a long time. Especially after implementing the single-objective management and the policy of “banning, expelling and monitioring”, many social conflicts have occurred frequently and repeated backtracking of street vendors has been plaguing local governments and relevant authorities. The study focuses on the multi-objective collaborative planning governance that implemented in street market managed in Portland, and the urban life culture formed by it. Tracing back to the origin of Portland’s market governance reflects the Portland government’s open and indusive values. The conclusion calls for more flexibility and inclusiveness in urban public space management policies, re-evaluating existing implementation effects in China need to affirm the value of street market in the process of urban development, and seeking a systematic integration method of multi-department management for local governments, calls on the public to pay attention to grassroots market culture.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51808205),2019 年湖南省普高等学校教学改革研究(湘教通[2019]436),湖南大学本科教育教学改革和教材改革专项(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助)(531111000002)

陈煊,加州伯克利大学环境设计学院博士后,湖南大学建筑学院副教授。chenxuan @hnu.edu.cn


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