2019年第6期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2018.453
Review of Overseas Researches on Studentification and Its Implication for China

孙洁 谷浩 余思奇

Sun Jie, Gu Hao, Yu Siqi


Keywords:Studentification; Student Area; Urban Renewal; Residential Segregation; Class Inequality




Studentification has become a new research topic of western urban geography along with the increase of student population and its impacts on urban change. This paper firstly introduces the concept of studentification. Secondly, it concludes the main research contents, including the types and spatial layout of studentification, the background and mechanism of studentification, and the diverse impacts of studentification on local communities and cities as well as policies responses. It argues that these researches contribute to the exploration of residential segregation and class inequality in the process of urban restructuring, from the unique perspective of higher education students and their spatial consumption. At last, based on the former researches on Chinese studentification, this paper points out the importance of studentification research in China and some directions of future research.

基金项目:中英联合研究创新基金博士生交流项目(留金欧[2016]6045), 国家社会科学重点基金项目(17ASH003),国家自然科学基金项目(41771184)



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