2019年第6期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2019.008
From Regulation to Market: Literature Review on Market-oriented Parking Policies

许红 李玉涛 郭湛

Xu Hong, Li Yutao, Guo Zhan


Keywords:Government-oriented Parking Policy; Market-oriented Parking Policy; Choice; Equity; Autonomy




When it comes to parking problems, governmentallocation of parking resources is the most wide-spread tool used globally. In fact, the market-allocation can be most efficient but has always been ignored. From reviewing the century-long history, this paper finds that the US parking policies have evolved“from government regulation to market allocation”. Since very few Chinese literature has studied US parking policies from the perspective of market-allocation, this paper seeks to stress this viewpoint and to explain the market-oriented parking policies proposed by Donald Shoup through literature review, while analyzing the disadvantages of government-oriented parking policies, based on economics research methods. This paper aims to contribute to relevant domestic literatures and provides inspirations on solving parking issues in China.




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