2019年第6期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2018.312
International Experience of Mixed Land Use: Models, Measures and Effects

王德 殷振轩 俞晓天

Wang De, Yin Zhenxuan, Yu Xiaotian


Keywords:Mixed Land Use; Model; Measure; Effect; Abroad




Mixed land use has been considered as an important tool to strength urban vitality and to achieve sustainable development. At present, China’s related research mainly focuses on policy guidance for mixed land use in planning practice, while the discussion on the models, measures and effects of mixed land use is insufficient. This paper sorts out concept, types, measures and effects of mixed land use abroad in order to fully grasp the international research fronts. In terms of concept, a multi-level, multi-type, multi-scale research framework formed. In terms of measures, researchers have proposed different methods and compared their advantages and disadvantages. In terms of effects, firstly, mixed land use has significant positive effects on non-motorized transportation and health; secondly, the effects of mixed land use on safety and housing price are affected by other conditions; thirdly, the impact on vitality needs further empirical research.




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